Civil and political rights

Civil rights is a subjective inalienable right received by a person from birth, which is realized directly, objectively, and satisfies one of the highest social values or needs arising from the nature of man, also formed in the process of social development.

Civil rights and freedoms are designed to protect a person from any interference in the sphere of his personal freedom, including from the state.

The following list of Civil rights and freedoms is given in the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan:

  • the right to life;
  • the protection of the dignity of the individual;
  • the right to liberty and security of person;
  • the right to privacy, personal and family secrets, protection of one's honor and good name;
  • the right to confidentiality of correspondence, telephone conversations, postal, telegraphic and other messages;
  • the right to inviolability of the home;
  • the right to access information;
  • the right to use one’s native language, to freely choose the language of communication, upbringing, training and creativity;
  • the right to free movement, choice of place of stay and residence;
  • the right to freedom of conscience, freedom of religion;
  • the right to freedom of thought and speech.

 Political rights and freedoms are aimed at the active inclusion of a person in the life of the country, management of its affairs. They create conditions for strengthening ties between man and society, citizen and society.

The following political rights and freedoms are enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan:

  • the right to association;
  • the right to hold rallies, meetings and demonstrations;
  • the right to participate in the management and administration of public and state affairs;
  • the right of citizens to appeal.
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